Sunday, May 6, 2007



tomorrow im off to boston. ill be back thursday night around 9. i get the pleauser of getting up at 3 am. to get ready because i have to be at the airport at 5:45 yay!!!! well im beyond board. im listening to jenny from the block' i mean how old is that song. hahah. its on my profile. haha. i just watched this hillarous video by gay god. on it says go to so yah u do that. im all packed. i am sooo ready for this man. woow!!! ok well i guess ill post tomorrow if not ill do it when i get back! all. ily.


Saturday, May 5, 2007


Just about to finish cleaning my rooom so i can go to the mall and shop with the girls for boston. WOO HOO. just 2 more days. and yah. im purdy much freakin' exicted about that. yah. so..i was online for like 8 hrs. last night talk to people about there problems. and dr. phil moment there!!! yay me. i can get payed alot of money and junk. yah. so that was fun/funny. and then tomorrow were going to dinner. then 5:45 newport news airport!!! bright and eairly im going to ihop before yall should ttly come. im serious 3 a clock' breakfast with my mom and dad and brother. wow i think ill pass for being alone with them! kidding i luve them. yah.
My bestie liz went to a dance last night. she taught her friend how to grind. :) haha. anywyas i wish are skool was like that u know with actual dances. but it would be ballroom. fun fun fun NOT. well actually it is but none of my class knows how to dance ballroom except me. :( i like using smiley faces here's one with a zit : . ) heres one with frekels : :: ) hahha i know they are crapy but wat can u do. anywyas thats it. kay. hope ur day is freaking alsome!